
    摘要:以徐州市铜山区伊庄镇中心中学、单集镇中心中学和大许镇中心中学3所初中270名学生为样本, 采用问卷调查法,文献资料法和访谈法对影响铜山区初中生选择课余体育锻炼项目的因素进行调查和分析,在找到原因的基础上提出完善措施,满足不同类别学生的体育需求,为今后更好地发展初中学生课余体育锻炼、帮助学生形成良好的锻炼习惯和锻炼规律提供依据。研究发现,家庭经济能力、场地设施条件以及对体育锻炼价值的认知程度、受周围人的影响、兴趣爱好、目的需要、体育锻炼项目的不足等是影响铜山区初中生选择课余体育锻炼项目的主要因素。羽毛球和跑步是他们首选的课余体育锻炼项目;大多数学生是以自己的兴趣爱好为出发点选择课余体育锻炼项目;初中生在选择课余体育锻炼项目时,主要受家人、老师、同学的影响;场地条件的限制、项目本身的技术要求等直接影响学生对该课余体育锻炼项目的选择。58367


    Abstract: taking Copper Mt. District of Xuzhou City Yi Zhuang Zhen central high school, middle school and many single town center town center school 3 junior 270 students as samples,using the method of questionnaire, literature and interviews of junior middle school students in Copper Mt. city selection factors of extracurricular physical exercise project for investigation and analysis, put forward improvement measures on the basis of finding the causes, meet the different categories of students' physical needs, the better for the future development of extracurricular physical training of middle school students, help students to provide the basis for the formation of good exercise habits and regular exercise. The study found that, familyeconomic capacity, facilities, and the level of awareness of the value of physical exercise, the affected people around, hobbies, sports exercise program to be insufficient is the impact ofjunior middle school students in Copper Mt. city to choose the main factors of extracurricular physical training project. Badminton and running is their first choice of extracurricular physical training project; most of the students are in their own interests as the starting point of choiceof extracurricular physical training project; junior high school students in extracurricular physical exercise project, mainly from the family, teacher, classmate; site condition limit, the technical requirements of the project itself directly affect the students to the extracurricular sports training project choice.

    Key words: junior high school students, extracurricular physical exercise, project selection,influencing factors


    1 前言 4

    2 研究对象与方法 4

    2.1 研究对象 4

    2.2 研究方法 4

    2.2.1 文献资料法 4

    2.2.2 问卷调查法 4

    2.2.3 访谈法 5

    3 研究结果与分析 5

    3.1铜山区初中生选择的课余体育锻炼项目 5

    3.2影响铜山区初中生选择课余体育锻炼项目的因素 5

    3.2.1主观方面 5兴趣爱好 6对体育锻炼价值的认知程度 6受周围人的影响 7目的需要 7

    3.2. 2客观方面

  1. 上一篇:扬州初中学生开展太极拳运动现状的调查与分析
  2. 下一篇:师范学院学生参与篮球运动的现状
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