


    Abstract:Adopt questionnaire investigation, literature, expert interview law, data statistics research methods, such as for the implementation of the "sunshine sports" siyang county middle school investigation and research on status and effect. The results show that the siyang county middle school students have certain understanding and the understanding on sunshine sports, take part in physical exercise attitude is positive in general, but the popularity and importance remain to be improved. Research shows that most of the big recess sports schools still basically is given priority to with the original form of the lesson hold, collective running, can't do interesting conform to the characteristics of students, and inpidual schools, is restricted by the teacher, sites and money, big recess sports development situation is not optimistic. Based on the analysis of the physical education, large recess activities and extracurricular sports activities, on the basis of current situation, put forward the idea in the sunlight sports under the guidance of suitable for the characteristics of middle school, healthy and lively, a series of large recess sports mode, effective for the activities of large recess sports, extracurricular sports health development to provide the reference, effectively promote the realization of sunshine sports target.

    Key words:Sunshine Sports,Siyang Schoo,The status of implementation,Influencing Factors

    目  录

    1 前言 4

    2 研究对象与方法 4

    2.1研究对象 4

    2.2研究方法 4

    3 研究结果与分析 5

    3.1泗阳县中学开展“阳光体育”的主要形式和内容的调查与分析 5

    3.2泗阳县中学师生对“阳光体育”制度的认知调查与分析 7

    3.3泗阳县中学体育课开展情况和分析 7

    3.4泗阳县中学大课间开展现状与分析 8

    3.5泗阳县中学课外活动开展现状与分析 9

    3.6学生和教师对开展“阳光体育”活动情况的评价 11

    4 结论与建议 12

    4.1 结论 12

    4.2 建议 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    附录 15

    附录一 15


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