     Abstract School sports is not only an important part of school education, school physical education or the realization of the most basic and most important form of organization and the way. Track and field teaching is one of the main contents in the sports teaching, it occupies a large proportion in the sports syllabus of middle school. The implementation of track and field teaching, to a certain extent reflects the quality of teaching to complete the teaching plan of middle school physical education and the overall. Based on the basic knowledge, and basic skills of learning, will help to promote the coordinated development of middle school students body shape and organ function, improve endurance, strength, agility and basic physical activity, cultivate students' courage and indomitable will, this is other sports can not be replaced. Physical education is a complex composed of sports teachers, students, teaching materials and teaching methods and other elements, all elements are interconnected and interdependent, only give full play to the comprehensive overall effect of the various elements, in order to achieve the optimization of teaching activities, to better accomplish the purpose of physical education tasks, coordinate the relationship of four elements in order to ensure the optimization of track and field teaching. To conduct a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth investigation and Analysis on the status of Hangzhou fourteenth middle school track and field teaching, in order to fully understand the teaching situation of Hangzhou city middle school track and field course, find the influence factors, and puts forward countermeasures for the reform of physical education, basic education in the new period, especially in track and field teaching reform brainstorming. To provide a theoretical basis for education departments to further deepen the reform. At the same time, to provide a theoretical reference for the decision-making department of Hangzhou sports.
    Keyword:Middle school;The track and field teaching;Analysis
     目    录
    1、引言    5
    2、杭州第十四中学田径教学开展现状分析    5
    2.1中学校园田径氛围的现状    5
    2.2田径课教学课程开展情况    6
    2.3杭州第十四中学田径课教学内容的情况    6
    2.4田径教学模式的采用    7
    3、影响杭州第十四中学田径展的因素    8
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