


    Development status and Countermeasures of basketball in junior    high schools in Luanchuan County

    Abstract: Using the methods of questionnaire investigation and literature review, the development of Luanchuan county junior high school basketball were studied. The results showed that the widespread lack of venues and facilities, the shortage of sports equipment; no excellent physical education teachers guidance of basketball teaching norms; school leaders and parents do not attach importance to students and learning pressure, lead to physical education in basketball teaching mode is too single, after-school activities nor basketball activities, make the students too much understanding of basketball not. That my county junior high school basketball development situation is not ideal. Namely: improve school basketball courts and facilities, schools and institutions can funding reasonable construction site , purchase equipment; improve the school basketball consciousness, make full use of the school physical education and extra-curricular activities, organizing basketball games and other activities; strengthen the professional training of physical education teachers, improve the teaching quality of physical education teachers, is the persity of the teaching mode of physical education, help students learning of basketball.

    目    录

    摘要 1

    引言 2

    1.研究对象与方法 2

    1.1研究对象 2

        1.2研究方法 2

    2.研究结果与分析 3

    2.1体育场地器材现状分析 3

    2.2篮球教师师资队伍状况分析 4

    2.3学生思想观念状况分析 5

    2.4中学篮球教学模式现状分析 6

    3.结论与建议 7

       3.1结论 7

        3.2建议 8

    参考文献 10

    附录 11

    致谢 13



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