



    With the JiaXing's economic development, people’s living standards improve, sports facilities and gradually improve, driven by the rapid development of amateur basketball, held the amateur basketball activities for many times within the city, the basketball game is held not only meet the people exercise, strong physique physiological needs, but also greatly enriched the cultural life of the masses, also contributed to the prosperity of the masses basketball tournament. But because there are many factors restricting the healthy development of amateur basketball in my city, so a detailed understanding of the situation of our city's amateur basketball, analysis the factors of JiaXing amateur basketball positive and negative effects, sum up a feasible, suitable for different demands of the masses of the amateur basketball development model and guide our City amateur basketball to a healthy sustainable development is an urgent problem to be solved.

    In this paper, on the basis of statistical data and the use of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and other research methods, the number of the basic situation, amateur basketball in JiaXing population of venues and use, high school basketball activities, organized and participated in the amateur game operation and development situation, the club are analyzed and discussed in this paper, draw the following conclusions: my amateur basketball facilities meet the basic need, public sports resources; amateur basketball in high proportion of people group, group is too centralized; college basketball development is slow, monotonous; amateur basketball is rich, the overall level is relatively low the club has; embryonic form, development prospects. And on the basis of conclusion put forward five proposals: the reform of the physical resource management mechanism, to alleviate the public sports resources; optimize the basketball court resources, rich basketball activity forms; vigorously carry out the campus basketball, enrich the students extra-curricular life; improve the organization level, strengthen event publicity; perfect club management mechanism, the formation mechanism of sustainable development.

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