    摘  要:本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对年世界羽联总决赛混双决赛张楠/赵芸蕾与刘成/包易鑫的比赛进行了分析通过对中外羽毛球混双运动员在比赛当中各种技战术的运用情况的分析,找出羽毛球混双组合有效率以及混双运动员技战术运用特点及主要发展趋势,同时也对羽毛球混双的训练提供有针对性的指导作用,分析结果表明:张楠赵芸蕾后场进攻机会比较多,前场封网一是突出,而且能够把握进攻机会主动得分;张楠赵芸蕾接发球技术比较具有进攻性,很好的给自己创造进攻机会;赵楠赵云蕾被动防守、被动变化球路能力很强;刘成包易鑫中场平抽和平抽中的球路变化角度比较大。38163

    The  world badminton finals mixed doubles final analysis technique
    Abstract:Pick to use literature method, video observation, mathematical statistics, comparative analysis of the  world badminton finals nan/mixed doubles final against Liu Cheng/BaoYiXin Zhao Yunlei were analyzed. Nan/Zhao Yunlei did not enter the game, the start of the race Liu Cheng/BaoYiXin slightly ahead, positive, run back to the ball with clarity, consecutive scoring, later nan Zhao Yunlei fight back, the back quickly kill to kill, front positive censorship, continuous pull open gradually the score, score Liu Cheng/bao Yi Xin on the court playing more and more tightly, the back going attack losing censorship, struggling, multiple attack after he was back, two people physical strength drops obviously, But still chased, perseverance, and eventually lost 15 to 21 first innings. The match began, and the second Liu Chengbao Yi Xin carefully into the game, through the flat drive led to continuous back to the ball, the players alternate rise, way to the 10-10, eventually nan Zhao Yunlei first get a minute into the bureau, rest after coming back, nan Zhao Yunlei full control situation, Liu Chengbao Yi Xin is completely lost status, to create too many chances, eventually nan Zhao Yunlei high-altitude, 21-13 ended the game. Backcourt players to match the following Suggestions: the game should actively press, frontcourt players pay attention positive censorship and create the back down opportunities, how to pitch change at the same time, let the opponent off guard.  Use simple plain and graphic interpretation badminton technique essentials, used in the badminton teaching of primary and middle school students.
    Key words: badminton; mixed doubles; technique; tactics
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    关键词    1
    前言    2
    2.研究对象和方法    2
    2.1研究对象    2
    2.2研究方法    2
    3.结果与分析    3
    3.1总体数据情况分析    3
    3.2前场技术运用与得分情况分析    3
    3.3中场技术运用与得分情况分析    4
    3.4后场技术运用与得分情况分析    4
    3.5战术运用情况分析    5
    4.结论与建议    5
    4.1结论    5
    4.2建议    6
    参考文献    8
    致谢    9世界羽联总决赛混双决赛技战术分析
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