    摘  要:随着生活节奏的不断加快,生活压力不断的增加,当下生活对现代人群的身体素质的考验也越来越严峻。身处于校园之中的大学生更是以后社会进步的主力军,而大学中的女生又是体育与健康意识比较薄弱的一部分,对于在学校环境中如何建立良好的体育与健康意识及行为是本文主要探索的问题。本文运用问卷调查法和访谈法等方法,针对师范学院在校女大学生的体育与健康意识及其行为的调查所反映出来的数据进行总结和分析,希望可以使女大学生对于体育与健康及行为有一定的认识以及对以后的体育与健康及行为具有一定的指导意义。33285
    The physical education and health consciousness and behavior of female college students study
                       ------ In normal college, for example
    Abstract:With the accelerating pace of life, the life pressure increasing, the test of the physical quality of the life of modern people is becoming more and more serious. After in the campus of college students is the main force of social progress, and the girls in the university is the one part of physical education and health consciousness is weak, for how to establish a good sports in the school environment and health consciousness and behavior is in this paper, we explore the problem. In this paper, using the method of questionnaire investigation and interview method, in view of normal college female students in school physical education and health consciousness and behavior survey reflected to summarize and analyze the data, hoping to female college students in physical education and health and behavior have a certain understanding and the future sports and has a certain guiding significance to the health and behavior.
    Keywords:Sports consciousness;Health consciousness;Sports behavior
    目    录
    摘  要:    1
    引言    2
    1.研究对象和方法    2
    1.1研究对象    2
    1.2研究方法    2
    2.研究结果与分析    3
    2.1女大学生的基本情况分析    3
    2.2体育意识与行为的调查结果    3
    2.3健康意识与行为的调查研究    6
    3.结论与建议    7
    3.1结论    7
    3.2建议    7
    参考文献    9
    附录    10
    致谢    12
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