


    The Infant Self-care Ability of Investigation and Study

    Abstract Abstract: 3 ~ 6 years old is children develop good habits and to promote the critical period of their life ability, especially living in the middle shift children, both the ratio of small children hands-on ability, good attitude to learn and to top class children's transition for the future development and lay a good foundation. Therefore, the shift is to develop children's self-care ability, let the children gradually participate in a good time in the family labor. The variety of research methods, status of kindergarten children's self-care ability of investigation, analysis of the existing experience and the existing problems, and puts forward some corresponding strategies, in order to promote the further development of the kindergarten life self-care ability.

    Key Words: Honest child;  Life self-care ability;  The present situation and the improvement methods

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一、问题的提出 1

    二、研究作用 2

    (一)发展生活自理能力有利于促进幼儿身体运动能力的发展 2

    (二)发展生活自理能力有利于促进幼儿社会性的发展 2

    (三)发展生活自理能力有利于促进幼儿探究能力的发展 3

    (四)发展幼儿生活自理能力有利于家长转变教育观念、改进教育方式 3

    三、研究方法 4

    (一)问卷调查法 4

    (二)观察法 4

    四、研究结果及分析 4

    (一)大部分幼儿在园一日生活中生活自理能力发展现状良好 4

    (二)少部分幼儿在园一日生活中生活自理能力发展现状较差 5

    (三)现代家庭重视子女的教育问题 6

    (四)家长创造适宜的实践环境让幼儿能够在家中锻炼生活自理能力 7

    (五)家长重视幼儿生活自理能力教育,愿意了解与学习相关知识 8

    五、教育建议 9

    (一)幼儿园与家庭、社区密切配合,为幼儿生活自理能力的发展创造条件 9

    (二)教师应采用多种方法,有针对性的培养幼儿的生活自理能力 10

    (三)家长转变传统教育观念,锻炼幼儿的生活自理能力 12

    (四)参与家务劳动是促进幼儿生活自理能力发展的重要手段 12


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