    本文主要采用国外采集的一些 fMRI 数据,首先使用SPM软件进行预处理并分
    于支撑向量机(support Vector machine,SVM)和核岭回归(Kernel Ridge
    关键字:功能核磁共振成像,SPM,支撑向量机,核回归,脑活动解码 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
    Title    Research on decoding of brain  activity  state   based on fMRI                                
      Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important
    method and tool in the field of brain science. It is  non-invasive,  harmless,
    with high speed and high resolution. It can also acquire structural and
    functional image at the same time. So it is widely used in the experience
    of brain science and clinical research.This article adopts the fMRI data
    collected abroad. First, I use the SPM software to preprocess and analyze  
      brain activation  regions.  Then  I attempted to  utilize  some classic methods
    in pattern recognition to find the potential relationship between brain
    voxels and image stimulus. Because the data volume of the whole brain is  
      quite huge, so we need to do feature extraction by utilizing physiology
    prior knowledge to the detected activation regions. After choosing the
    feature ,I build the model based on support Vector machine(SVM) and  Kernel
    Ridge Regression. I use some of the acquired date to train the classifier,
    then I use the classifier to do the prediction of the other date. That is
    how I realize the decoding of brain activity. After that, I analyze the
    performance and optimize the method to improve the accuracy. The result
    shows that this decoding method is reliable and stable.
    Keywords     fMRI, SPM, support Vector machine(SVM), Kernel Regression,
    Brain activity decoding      本科毕业设计说明书(论文)   第 I 页,共Ⅱ页
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  人脑基本生理结构  ...  1
    1.2  功能核磁共振技术  ...  1
    1.2.1  BOLD 信号对比度机制  ...  1
    1.2.2  血液动力响应学生理机制  2
    1.2.3  功能核磁共振成像特点..  3
    1.3  本课题国内外研究现状  ...  3
    1.4  本文研究内容和组织结构  .  5
    2  实验设计及数据预处理    6
    2.1  模块设计  ...  6
    2.2  事件相关设计  ...  7
    2.2.1  多模式人脸的实验设计..  7
    2.2.2  有关食物、金钱、小杂货的三类物品的实验设计  7
    2.3  SPM 数据预处理..  8
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