    Analyses the Application of Operational Research in the Modern International Aviation Logistics Management
    Abstract: The aviation logistics industry as social foundation industry, has become an important force to promote sustainable economic development. In the logistics system theory of operational research is applied in the optimization technique, the rational allocation of logistics resources, effective control of logistics activities, in order to reduce the cost of logistics system, is particularly important. With the various countries' government attaches great importance to, the development of modern aviation logistics industry gradually on the right track. Aviation logistics enterprises by adjusting the marketing and business mode, establish partnership with similar enterprises, accelerate the transformation of enterprises to the fourth party logistics mode and improve enterprise hardware infrastructure, through the operational research theory system effective resource integration, so as to promote the enterprise's own aviation logistics service level and operation ability. In this paper, the operational research in the basic application and development of the logistics management is summarized, the paper under the background of logistics informatization operational research theory problems in the practical application in aviation logistics management and the development countermeasures.
    Key Words: Operational research; Modern aviation logistics; Information systematic
    一、绪论    1
    (一)    研究的目的和意义    1
    1.课题的研究目的    1
    2.课题的研究意义    1
    (二)    课题的研究现状和发展趋势    2
    二、运筹学与现代航空物流管理的关系    5
    (一)    运筹学的发展史    5
    (二)    现代航空物流学的发展史    5
    1、现代航空物流学的发展    5
    2、现代航空物流学的意义    6
    3、现代航空物流的特点    6
    (三)    现代航空物流学与运筹学的关系    7
    三、运筹学在现代航空物流管理中的发展趋势    8
    (一)    现代航空物流管理的发展现状    8
    1、发展较快    8
    2、价值很高    8
    3、规模性强    8
    4、趋于专业化    9
    (二)    运筹学在现代航空物流管理中的运用发展趋势    9
    1、运筹学理论结合物流实践    9
    2、扩大运筹学在物流领域中的应用范围    10
    3、把运筹学知识融合在其他物流管理软件    10
    四、运筹学在航空物流管理领域的理论应用    11
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