    摘要:本论文使用高温气相色谱-质谱(HT-GC/MS)联用技术研究了食用油中甘油三酯的分析方法,并通过EI质谱图确定食用油中甘油三酯组成。考察了实验条件对分离检测的影响,选择测定条件为:DB-5HT30m×0.25mm×0.25μm毛细管柱,进样量0.8 μL(正己烷为溶剂样品浓度为1.5%),分流比20:1;进样口温度350ºC,程序升温:柱温330 ºC,保持5min,以1ºC/min速率升至350ºC,保持5min,然后以1ºC/min速率升至360ºC,保持25min。质谱离子源温度200ºC,接口温度320ºC。用上述条件测定了不同厂家的玉米油、调和油、大豆油和动物油(包括自制的猪油、羊油),并且进行了重复性实验。结果显示,不同厂家玉米油的甘油三酯在组成上相似,在含量上差异不大。结合色谱图与质谱图,动物油中发现了与植物油不同的特征离子峰如m/z341、m/z771、m/z607。关键词: 高温气相色谱-质谱(HTGC-MS);食用油;甘油三酯(TAGs);分析7811
    The GC/MS Analysis Of Triglycerides in Edible Oil
    Abstract:In the thesis, high temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was studied to analyze and identify triglycerides in edible oil. After the experimental conditions were investigated on the impact of separation and detection, we selected measurement conditions as: DB-5HT30m×0.25mm×0.25μm capillary column, injection volume is 0.8μL(Use hexane as solvent, the concentration is 1.5%), split ratio is 20:1, injection temperature 350ºC, the GC column temperature was programmed from330ºC to 350ºC(hold 5min) at 1ºC/min, and then rose to 360ºC(hold 25min) at 1ºC/min. MS ion source temperature was 200ºC and interface temperature was 320ºC. Some edible oil made by different manufacturers, such as corn oil, cooking oil, soybean oil and animal oil (lard, suet) , was determined using the method and repeated result was obtained. By comparing different oils, we found the triglyceride composition in corn oils of different manufactures are similar while a slightly difference on the content. Combining chromatography and mass spectra, animal oils were compared with vegetable oils. They are different in some characteristic ions like m/z341, m/z771, m/z607.
    Keywords:gas chromatography/mass spectrometry;edible oil;triglycerides;analysis
    1前言    1
    1.1 选题意义    1
    1.2 文献综述    1
    1.2.1 高温气相色谱(>300ºC)    2
    1.2.2 非高温气相色谱(<250ºC)    4
    1.2.3 其他技术    5
    1.2.4  总结    6
    2仪器与试剂    7
    2.1 仪器    7
    2.2 试剂    7
    2.3 样品来源与性状    7
    3实验内容    8
    3.1 标样的配制    8
    3.2 样品的配制    8
    3.3 仪器的操作流程    8
    3.4 标样的测定    9
    3.4.1 三丁酸甘油酯的测定条件    9
    3.4.2 甘油三月桂酸酯的测定条件    9
    3.4.3 三油酸甘油酯的测定条件    9
    3.5 油样的测定    9
    3.5.1 玉米油测定条件的选择    9
    3.5.2 不同厂家玉米油的测定    11
    3.5.3 不同食用油的测定    11
    3.5.4 玉米油中掺入猪油的测定    11
    4结果与讨论    12
    4.1 标样的测定    12
    4.1.1 三丁酸甘油酯    12
    4.1.2 三月桂酸甘油酯    13
    4.1.3 三油酸甘油酯    14
    4.2 玉米油测定条件的影响    14
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