

    茶多酚的含量变化呈现出先上升后下降最后趋于平稳的趋势,3种不同干燥方式中,以烘干干燥方式处理茶叶茶多酚的稳定性最好。在55℃条件下,滚筒辉干干燥方式表现较为稳定。氨基酸的含量变化呈现先上升后下降的趋势, 在3种干燥方式中,炒干干燥处理氨基酸含量的变化最为稳定。3种干燥方式,黄酮百分含量变化各有不同,炒干干燥的黄酮最为稳定,尤其是在4℃贮藏条件下,黄酮随着贮藏时间的延长趋于稳定。




    This paper systematically investigated the influence of different drying methods of tea raw materials on the stability of the tea beverage. Traditionally, there are two tea drying methods, frying and baking frying methods, the leaves were dried by the energy from heating surface while in baking method hot air was used. Drumming frying is a new method to traditional method which is the roller in the process of continuous rolling to heat the tea to achieve the purpose of drying. In addition, the relationships within the dry methods and contents such as polyphenols and amino acids and stability of tea beverage were also discussed. The major results are as follows:

    Changes in the contents of polyphenols showed increased and then declined, finally stabilized trend, In three different drying methods, baking frying method for processing polyphenols best stability. At 55 ℃ condition, drumming frying has a more stable performance. In the three kinds of drying modes, frying method approaching to raw materials changes more stable for content of polyphenols 。In the three kinds of drying methods, the changes in percentage of flavonoids have different manifestations, frying method made flavonoids most stable, especially at 4 ℃ storage conditions, with the extension of storage time the content of flavonoids are more stable. 

    At lower temperatures, Lightness (L value) did not changed significantly, As time goes by, the lightness (L value) changed greatly. Through analyzing the anti-discoloration and comparative anti-turbidity capabilities, the result showed that baking frying methods on the stability of tea liquor color, then was frying, last was drumming frying. drumming frying with long-term storage showed more stable, and high brightness. Sensory evaluation results showed that the stability of the frying method made flavor and aroma of the best, followed by baking frying, last by drumming frying .  At 55 ℃ storage conditions, the drumming frying for coefficient of variation is smaller than baking frying and similar with frying. Showed that drumming frying had a good stability in flavor and aroma.

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