    摘要:本文以黄桃为原料研究发酵型果酒的发酵工艺及其香气成分分析。首先以褐变度为指标进行D-异抗坏血酸钠,文生素C,柠檬酸单因素实验,再进一步通过正交试验确定了三种护色剂的最佳配比:D-异抗坏血酸钠0.7%,VC 0.6%,柠檬酸2.2%。其次以出汁率为指标进行果胶酶,纤文素酶的单因素实验,通过正交试验确定最佳配比:果胶酶0.06%、纤文素酶0.06%。在主发酵工艺中,以酒精度以及感官评定为指标进行了酵母量、初糖浓度、pH值和SO2添加量的单因素实验,并且通过正交试验确定最佳配比:酵母量0.16%,初糖浓度29°Brix ,pH值3.5,SO2量50mg/L。本文还采用顶空固相微萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用技术(HS-SPME/GC-MS)对一次发酵黄桃酒进行了香气成分的测定,结果表明:黄桃酒中鉴定出香气物质35种,其中酯类16种,醇类9种,醛类3种。36505
    毕业论文关键词: 黄桃酒;发酵工艺;香气;HS-SPME/GC-MS
    Study on the Fermentation Technology and Aroma Compounds of Yellow Peach Wine
    Abstract:Yellow peach was used as raw material, the fermentation technology of wine and aroma compounds of yellow peach wine were studied in this paper. Firstly, single factor experiment was conducted using browning degree as an index. The color-protecting of optimal proportion was optimized through the orthogonal experiments, when amount of enzyme was D- sodium ascorbate 2.2%, VC 0.6%, citric acid 0.7%. Secondly, single factor experiment was conducted usingthe juice yield  as an index. The enzymolysis of optimal proportion was optimized through the compound experiments, when amount of enzyme was pectinase was 0.06% and cellulase was 0.06%. In the fermentation technology of the yellow peach wine experiments, yeast, sugar concentration, pH and amount of sulfur dioxide were studied.. Through the orthogonal experiments optimize, it showed that the yeast added 0.16%, sugar concentration is 29, pH was 3.5 and the amount of sulfur dioxide was 50mL/L as alcohol accuracy and sensory evaluation as the indicators of the measurement. The aroma compounds of the yellow peach wine after primary fermentation was analyzed by GC/MS.35 kinds of aroma compounds were identified in yellow peach wine which including 16 kinds of esters, 9 kinds of alcohols and 3 kinds of aldehydes .
    Key words: yellow peach wine;fermentation;aroma compounds;HS-SPME/GC-MS
    目  录
    1 引言    1
    1.1 黄桃    1
    1.1 黄桃的营养价值    1
    1.2 黄桃的功效    1
    1.3 黄桃的储藏    1
    1.2 果酒研究现状    2
     1.2.1 国外研究进展    2
     1.2.2 国内研究进展    3
    1.3 本文研究目的和研究内容    3
    1.3.1 研究目的    3
    1.3.2 研究内容    4
    2 材料和方法    5
    2.1 试验材料    5
    2.1.1 试验样品    5
    2.1.2 试剂    5
    2.1.3 仪器设备    5
    2.2 试验方法    6
    2.2.1 黄桃浆的处理工艺研究    6
    2.2.2 黄桃酒的主发酵工艺研究    8
    2.2.3 黄桃酒的后发酵    8
    2.2.4 理化指标的测定    9
    2.2.5 感官的检测    10
    2.2.6 香气测定条件    10
    3 结果与讨论    11
    3.1 黄桃浆的护色处理工艺研究    15
    3.1.1 异抗坏血酸钠的添加量对黄桃浆护色效果的影响    15
    3.1.2 文生素C的添加量对黄桃浆护色效果的影响    15
    3.1.3 柠檬酸的添加量对黄桃浆护色效果的影响    15
    3.1.4 混合护色剂配比的确定    15
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