         SL=λ-[( 6.889-N0)/ μmax×2.718] ×{ln[-ln[(7.529-N0)/ ( 6.889-N0)]-1]}33880
    毕业论文关键词: 酱卤牛肉;优势腐败菌;微生物;分离;鉴定
    Separation and identification of dominant spoilage bacteria in Shanghai spiced beef and research of shelf Life model
    Abstract: The traditional sauced meat products are popular with consumers because of its unique flavor and rich nutrition. However because the processing and preservation technology is backward, during the process of storage,transport and sales ,sauced meat products is prone to corruption and deterioration of ,so that shorten shelf life,endanger health seriously after eating.While microorganism is an important cause of spoilage of meat products. In this study, spiced beef which is bought in supermarkets, farmers market, night market from three districts in Shanghai such as Xuhui District, Minhang District, Fengxian District were studied. Isolate and identify dominant spoilage bacteria which result of the deterioration of meat products by Gram staining, catalase test, oxidase test and other physiological and biochemical test. And then study the change of physicochemical index such as the total plant count, TVB-N and so on in no vacuum packaging spiced beef which is stored in cold conditions. Set up the model of sauce beef’s shelf life.Results show that: (1) In traditional sauce beef which is bought in three districts in Shanghai. Enterobacter, bacillus, Lactic acid bacterium and Micrococcus or Staphylococcus is major colony which results the spoilage of meat product,in which count of Enterobacter strain is most. (2) In non-vacuum packed sauce beef which is stored in refrigerated conditions, total plant count increased with storage time; TVB-N value increased with the growth of storage time. And the four physical and chemical index’s value has a little change in early storage time, and in the middle and later of storage time, the numerical changes began to intensify.(3)forecast the model of shelf life: SL=λ-[( 6.889-N0)/ μmax×2.718] ×{ln[-ln[(7.529-N0)/ ( 6.889-N0)]-1]}
    Keyword: sauced beef ;dominant spoilage bacteria ;microorganism ;separation ;identific-ation
    1 前言    1
    1.1 我国酱卤肉的发展现状    1
    1.2 肉的腐败    1
    1.2.1 肉的腐败机理    1
    1.2.2 影响肉制品腐败变质的因素    2
    1.2.3 肉中特定腐败微生物及其致腐机理    2
    1.2.4 肉制品品质指标    3
    1.2.5 肉制品中微生物的来源    3
    1.3 肉制品的保鲜技术研究    3
    1.4 食品预测微生物学    4
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