    摘要:大米和玉米中真菌十分常见,真菌在其中生长产生的真菌毒素对人、畜具有严重毒害作用。本文通过研究大米和玉米中真菌毒素的发生规律,为保护人们生命健康、保证家畜、家禽的健康养殖提供理论依据,对促进国家进出口贸易具有十分重要的意义。本实验将从香菇、玉米、青椒样品中分离的多株镰刀菌接种不同培养基,培养不同天数,研究不同镰刀菌产毒的经过时间的变化情况。本文主要研究了5株Fusarium solani和一株Fusarium moniliforme接种在大米和玉米培养后产生的多种真菌毒素,用液相-串联质谱技术定量检测技术,主要比较3种伏马毒素 FA、FB1及FB2的发生规律。研究结果表明,Fusarium solani在大米和玉米基质以及PDA中FB的产生没有统一的趋势,峰值在第7或第14天,均不产生伏马毒素FA。其中,从香菇中提取出的Fusarium solani产毒量较低,青椒中提取的Fusarium solani产毒量较多。Fusarium moniliforme产生伏马毒素FA,FB产毒规律为先升后降,峰值在第21天。总体上,Fusarium solani在玉米基质中产毒量多于大米基质;Fusarium solani毒素产量远小于Fusarium moniliforme,对照PDA基质中不产毒,有显著性差异。22462
    Regulation of Fusarium toxins produced by Fusarium solani and Fusarium moniliforme in rice and corn
    ABSTRACT:Fungus is very common in rice and corn. Mycotoxins produced by fungus induce harm to human and animals. This paper has a great significance for preventing the contamination of rice and corn mycotoxins, the protection of people’s health, ensuring livestock and poultry’s health, the promotion of national import and export trade. The regulation of Fusarium mycotoxins produced by Fusrium solani and Fusarium moniliforme isolated from mushrooms, corn, green peppers, were studied in varying condition and different time. This object mainly studies various mycotoxins produced by five strains of Fusarium solani and one Fusarium moniliforme strain inoculated in rice and corn. Liquid - tandem mass spectrometry quantitative detection technology was used to compare the occurrence of Fumonisin FA, FB1 and FB2. Fusarium solani was not produced in the matrix of rice and corn as well as PDA. It is shown in study that Fusarium moniliforme cannot produce Fumonisin FA in rice and corn matrix. And about the production of FB, their toxigenic trend did not unify. Among them, Fusarium solani which was extracted from mushrooms had tiny amount of toxin production, Fusarium solani which was extracted from green pepper had higher toxin production, and they reached the peak in twenty first day. Overall, Fusarium solani in corn matrix produces more toxin than that produced in rice matrix, Fusarium solani produces more toxin than Fumonisin moniliforme. And contrasting with no toxicity in PDA matrix, there are significant differences.
    Keywords: Fusarium solani,Fusarium moniliforme,Fusarium toxins,Fumonisin
     目  录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1大米和玉米的概况    1
    1.1.1 大米和玉米的营养价值    1
    1.1.2大米和玉米在国内外的发展    1
    1.1.3我国谷物中的真菌污染情况    2
    1.2镰刀菌的概述    2
    1.2.1 镰刀菌    2
    1.2.2 镰刀菌毒素的主要种类    3
    1.2.3 茄腐镰刀菌    3
    1.2.4 串珠镰刀菌    4
    1.3伏马毒素的性质    5
    1.3.1伏马毒素的理化性质    5
    1.3.2伏马毒素的结构    5
    1.3.2 伏马毒素作用机理    6
    1.3.3伏马毒素的毒性作用    6
    1.4 国内外对真菌毒素的研究现状    6
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