


    Study on the extraction technology of pumpkin polysaccharide

    Abstract:With fresh pumpkin as the raw materials, this paper optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment on the effect of pumpkin polysaccharide extraction process, and the basic research and optimization parameters as follows:The optimum extraction technology of water conditions: extraction temperature is 80 ℃, extracting time for 2 h, lye concentration is 0.4 moL/L, liquid-solid ratio of 40:1;Alkali extraction process formulation optimization parameters: extraction temperature is 80 ℃, extracting time for 2 h, lye concentration is 0.4 moL/L, liquid-solid ratio of 40:1;Compound optimal enzymatic extraction technology conditions: extraction temperature 40 ℃, the extracting time for 30 min, extract PH adjustment of 4.2, liquid-solid ratio for 40:1.Adopting three methods corresponding to the optimal extraction process parameters for polysaccharide extraction experiment found that the polysaccharide of composite enzymatic get the highest rate, alkali formulation take second place, the lowest is using hot water.

    Key Words: pumpkin;Polysaccharides;Extraction process;To optimize the parameters


    1绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.1.1 概述 1

    1.1.2南瓜多糖的研究状况 2

    1.2南瓜多糖的发展前景及存在问题 3

    1.3研究南瓜多糖的目的和意义 4

    1.4本课题的主要研究内容 4

    2实验材料和方法 5

    2.1实验材料与实验仪器 5

    2.1.1材料 5

    2.1.2实验试剂 5

    2.1.3主要实验仪器 5

    2.2实验方法 5

    2.2.1南瓜粉的制备 5

    2.2.2热水浸提法 5

    2.2.3碱提法 6

    2.2.4复合酶提取法 6

    2.3分析方法 6

    2.3.1总糖的测定 6

    2.3.2还原糖的测定 7

    2.3.3多糖总量的测定 8

    3单因素实验 9

    3.1热水提工艺 9

    3.2碱提取法 13

    3.3复合酶法提取南瓜多糖 14

    3.4水提法,碱提法和复合酶法提取多糖的结果比较 19

    4结论 20


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