    Abstract Although cotton fibers provide the most important natural raw materials for textile industry, the development mechanism of unicellular fiber is still not clear. Higher plant-specific WRKY transcription factors family play versatile and crucial roles in plant growth and development. Therefore, exploring the biological function of cotton WRKY transcription factors may provides important clues to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of cotton fiber development. In the project, we intend to clone cotton WRKY transcription factors using homologous comparison method. Tissue-specific expression analysis are used to screen the targeted genes, which are predominantly expressed in different fiber developmental stages. Over-expression of the targeted genes in Arabidopsis is applied for further analyzing the trichomes and root hairs development at phenotypic and molecular level in transgenic Arabidopsis. Finally, we hope to explore more cotton WRKY transcription factors playing important regulatory roles in fiber development, and clarify the regulatory mechanisms of WRKY transcription factors in fiber development.
    毕业论文关键字:棉花; WRKY转录因子; 克隆; 表达量; 转基因; 纤维
    Keyword: cotton;WRKY transcription factors;clone; expression; transgenic,fiber
    缩略语表    4
    1.引言    5
    1.1研究意义    5
    1.2研究背景    5
    1.2.1转录因子    5
    1.2.2 WRKY转录因子-历史视角    5
    1.2.3转录因子家族    6
    1.2.4WRKY转录因子结构特点    6
    1.2.5WRKY转录因子的表达特点    6
    1.2.6WRKY转录因子的作用机制:激活,抑制转录作用    7
    2论文研究内容    8
    2.1实验内容    8
    2.2实验流程图    8
    3.仪器设备    9
    4.实验试剂与方法    9
    4.1实验材料    9
    4.2陆地棉WRKY转录因子的分离克隆    9
    4.3陆地棉WRKY转录因子基因的组织表达模式分析    10
    4.4陆地棉WRKY转录因子的超量表达载体构建及拟南芥遗传转化    10
    5实验结果分析    12
    5.1陆地棉WRKY转录因子基因的克隆及初步分析    12
    5.2陆地棉WRKY转录因子基因的表达模式分析    12
    5.2.1利用陆地棉转录组数据分析陆地棉WRKY转录因子基因在不同组织中的表达水平(图1)    12
    5.2.2Qrt-PCR进一步验证目的基因在陆地棉C312不同组织中的表达水平    13
    5.3棉花TCP转录因子基因的超量表达载体构建及拟南芥遗传转化    14
    6讨论    15
    文献    16
    致谢    17
    简写符号Abbr.    英文全称English    中文名Chinese
    cDNA    complemented DNA    互补DNA
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