

     毕业论文关键词: 草莓;叶面肥;产量;光合速率;

    Abstract: Large area to promote this study in Shanghai fengxian haiwan town of trellis strawberry as experiment material, respectively, in the early growth period (start growing period), before the flowering period (budding period and flowering period material plant nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and compound fertilizer spraying processing, four kinds of foliar fertilization on material records of leaf photosynthetic rate measurement, research on the growth of strawberry foliar fertilizer is most suited to each element in the process of applying period and affects the quantity of the final result. In order to actually to foliar fertilizer processing to enhance trellis strawberry fruit output provide theoretical basis for production. The results show that the material of trellis strawberry, foliar fertilizer fertilization can significantly affect the growth of strawberry growth and photosynthetic intensity and the quantity, etc. Compared with the control group, nitrogen fertilizer optimum fertilization time growing up is the start and budding stage, can relatively improve photosynthetic rate, so as to increase production, applied at flowering period, the effect is not obvious; Foliar fertilizer optimum phosphate fertilization time is beginning stage and budding stage, can relatively increase the photosynthetic rate, so as to increase production, less effect applied at anthesis; Potash fertilizer is the most appropriate use of time began growing period, can significantly improve photosynthetic rate, so as to increase production, less effect in budding stage and anthesis stage; Compound fertilizer is the most appropriate use of time is a budding period and flowering period, can relatively improve photosynthetic rate, so as to increase production, at the start of the growing use less affected.

    Key Words: strawberry;Foliar fertilizer;production;Photosynthetic rate

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 4

    1.1农业生产中叶面肥应用技术分析 4

    1.1.1 叶面施肥的优点 4

    1.1.2 叶面施肥的作用机理 4

    1.1.3 叶面施肥的增产机制 5

    1.1.4 叶面施肥的技术要点 5

    1.2 草莓生产现况 6

    1.2.1 草莓的形态特征及生长习性 6

    1.2.2 草莓的主要价值

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