

    Abstract:conducting plant research, especially the study of plant cell pision behavior, we first look inside the plant tissue or cell morphology, and in the plant tissue using an optical microscope and the internal structure of cells, can not be directly observed, the need for Plants to be seen part of the organization to handle the matter is the use of dissociation was moderate dissociation, and then the plants were part of the organization to be seen cut into thin slices, and finally to the plant cells staining. Different dissociation time have a significant impact on the slice of clarity, excessive dissociation, the cell structure is damaged, the cell morphology have varying degrees of change, can not be observed in a different phase of the cell pision, cell dissociation is insufficient time overlap Influence slice observation. In order to fully understand the impact dissociation time Cell Division of Garlic slices unarmed mass, from time to determine the optimal solution, we conducted an experimental study of this. Studies have shown that in a molar concentration of hydrochloric acid dissociation was 60 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes, which could destroy the density between garlic cells, increase tissue porosity. And relatively clearer cell slices could be got.

    .毕业论文关键词:大蒜根尖, 解离时间,徒手切片

    Keyword: Garlic root,dissociation time, slice 

    目    录

    一、 引言

    1. 研究背景和选题意义

    2. 大蒜根尖细胞的有丝分裂

    3. 植物根尖细胞解离

    4. 论文研究目的与内容

    二、 实验设计、研究材料和方法

    1. 实验材料和仪器

    2. 实验设计

    3. 实验材料处理(材料固定、解离、切片染色、观察)

    三、 结果与讨论

    1. 研究结果

    2. 讨论

    四、 结论



    1. 研究背景和选题意义[1,2]


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