

    毕业论文关键字  社会责任报告  分析师预测准确性  财务透明度

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure  and Analyst Forecast Accuracy                   

    Abstract Increasingly emphasized the importance of the corporate non-financial information disclosure in the present, the stakeholders look forward to extracting the information from all the corporate disclosed information beneficial to their own interests.In order to let the the stakeholders be able to master and analysis the market quotation more accurately, we select the data of related enterprises from RESSET database to study the relationship between non-financial Information disclosure and analyst forecast accuracy. We use the issuance of stand-alone corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports to proxy for disclosure of nonfinancial information. We find that the issuance of stand-alone CSR reports is associated with lower analyst forecast error.The relationship is stronger for firms with more opaque financial disclosure, suggesting that issuance of stand-alone CSR reports plays a role complementary to financial disclosure. These results hold after we control for various factors related to firm financial transparency and other potentially confounding institutional factors. 

    Keywords  corporate social responsibility report; analyst forecast accuracy;  financial transparency

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景  1

    1.2  研究目的及意义   2

    2  相关研究与假说的发展   3

    2.1  信息披露对分析师预测的影响   3

    2.2  财务透明度对分析师预测的影响   4

    2.3  假设的提出   6

    2  研究设计 6

    3.1  样本及数据的筛选   6

    3.2  变量的定义   7

    3.3  模型的建立   8

    4  实证结果与分析  10

    4.1  描述性统计   10

    4.2  相关分析   11

    4.3  回归分析   12

    5  结论及未来研究方向的展望    15

    5.1  结论及局限性分析   15

    5.2  未来研究方向   15

    结束语 17

    致谢  18

    参考文献  19

    表1  各种变量描述性统计   10

    表2  各个变量的相关系数 12

    表3  单变量回归分析比较  12

    表4  多变量回归分析比较  13

    表5  回归分析  14

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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