毕业论文关键词:审计意见 会计师事务所 治理结构 经营业绩
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The influencing factors of the modified audit opinions
As the current market mechanism and the stock market needs great improvement in China,the type of audit opinion issued by certified public accountants become an important symbol of the determination whether a listed company has an integrity management and whether the investment is valuable. Therefore,audit opinion type tripartite-- the supply-side, the demand-side and audit regulators are concerned.. The research of the influencing factors of the modified audit opinion is both useful for decision-making by external users of financial reporting and accounting firms to enhance their own ability, also, regulatory agencies to develop guidelines .This paper analyzes the theory of the type of audit opinion tripartite and the audit opinion,then,it has an empirical research with the data of 2009~ 2011 Shanghai A shares of all listed companies.First, descriptive analysis of preliminary conclusions; Then, correlation analysis; Finally, to analy with the use of the logistic model.And resualtig that the higher audit fees,the smaller accounting firms, the company's largest shareholder which is state-owned shares, the more independent directors on the Board and the better operating results will more likely lead to non-standard audit opinions.
Keywords:Audit opion;Certified Public Accountants;Governance structure; Results of operations
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究内容与方法 2
2审计意见的相关概述 2
2.1注册会计师审计的含义 2
2.2注册会计师审计意见的含义 2
2.3审计意见类型及出具条件 2
3非标准审计意见影响因素的理论分析 2
3.1审计供应方 2
3.2审计需求方 2
4非标准审计意见影响因素的实证研究 2
4.1研究假设 2
4.2样本选取及数据来源 2
4.3变量 2
4.4模型设计 2