


    Study on the effect of debt financing on the performance of electric power industry

    Abstract:Enterprises in the development process, it is necessary to invest, maintain and then put into a certain capital, and the capital source of enterprise production and management process is pided into two categories of liabilities and capital. The issue of capital structure and appropriate debt has been widely concerned. Foreign scholars through the theory and the practice, research results generally believe that debt financing has a very important effect to improve the enterprise's performance, and foreign debt financing structure has been mature, but China's capital market is relatively backward, the debt financing lag in equity financing, domestic scholars in this research is far behind foreign countries. Firstly, in this paper, the exposition of the relevant theory, to our country electric power listed company as the case, select the relevant data of the power industry from 2010 to 2014, from three aspects of the overall debt level, debt maturity structure, debt structure descriptive analysis, then through establishing empirical model of debt financing of enterprise performance research, and finally put forward some suggestions according to the conclusion.

    Key words: capital structure;debt financing;performance;electric power industry

    目    录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一、引言 1

    (一)研究背景和现实意义 1

    (二)研究思路及方法 1

    二、文献综述 3

    (一)国内外研究成果 3

    (二)简评 3

    三、相关理论研究 4

    (一)负债融资影响企业绩效的理论基础 4

    (二)负债融资影响企业绩效的分析 5

    四、电力行业融资现状及成因分析 6

    (一)电力行业的负债融资现状 6

    (二)电力行业负债融资现状的成因及分析 11

    五、电力行业负债融资影响绩效的实证研究 13

    (一)研究假设 13

    (二)回归分析 13

    六、研究结论与对策建议 17

    (一)结论 17

    (二)政策性建议 18

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