



    Financial statement analysis of Le networks co.,LTD

    Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, accounting as the ancient "the language of business" also follows the development of the society. The financial statements are the main important carrier of accounting .the financial statements are continuous, systematic, integrated and comprehensive which reflect the economic intercourse of different accounting entity. The financial statements analysis is also playing an increasingly important role in modern social economy, and it researched and noticed by the stakeholders.

       This article firstly introduces the theoretical framework of financial statements and financial statement analysis, a brief introduction to the definition of financial statement analysis ,and its principle, steps, expounds the role of the financial statement analysis ;Understand the basic methods of financial statement analysis, comprehensive analysis method, expounds the limitations of the financial statement analysis; Analyzing the disclosure of financial data and  the audit report form LESHI, calculating the financial index, and then understand the company's true financial position, operating results and cash flow. Through these financial indicators analysis, comprehensive dupont analysis to comprehensive evaluation of the company's management, points out the problems existing in the management of company, and puts forward corresponding solutions, business advice, provide a reference for operators and managers ; At the same time can help investors to make investment decisions right ; Also provide some reference for other financial statement users.

    Keywords: financial statement analysis; analysis by synthesis; financial indicators

    目  录

    绪论 1

    一、财务报表分析概述 2

      (一) 财务报表分析基本理论 2

    1、财务报表分析的定义 2

      2、财务报表分析的作用 2

      (二) 财务报表分析的基本方法 2

      1、比率分析法 2

      2、因素分析法 3

      3、趋势分析法 3

      (三) 财务报表分析综合方法 3

    二、乐视网股份有限公司的财务报表分析 4

         (一) 公司基本情况 4

         (二) 公司基本财务指标分析 4

      1、偿债能力分析 4


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