    毕业论文关键词:上市银行 资本结构 影响因素 优化调整
    Study on the influence factors of the listed banks’ capital structure and the optimization
    Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, the overall structure of our country’s commercial banks gradually formed. The government vigorously implement the opening up in order to strengthen the comprehensive strength of the banking sector and break through the shadow of financial crisis. At the same time, many foreign banks spring up, which make the situation more competitive. Bank itself on the role of the national economy is self-evident. Therefore, in this case, optimizing their capital structure and improving the level of management, are the fundamental ways to improve its market competitiveness and ensure the national economy stable, not only guarantee the national capital, but also do random strain and foothold firmly under the background of the global finance.
    This article first introduced the significance, purpose, research methods and innovations of the selected topic. Secondly, the relevant research of the capital structure at home and abroad were reviewed and the sorting. Then, this paper summarizes the present situation of our country commercial bank capital structure, preparing for the following analysis of the influence factors. Finally according to the analysis results , the paper puts forward proposals for optimization opinions, finds the feedback and gives the version of the future.
    Keywords: Listed bank; capital structure; influence factors; optimization adjustment
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究的意义和目的    1
    (二)研究方法及创新点    2
    二、国内外文献综述    2
    (一)国内外银行资本结构理论基础    3
    (二)国内外银行资本结构优化综述    4
    三、我国上市银行资本结构现状分析    5
    (一)我国上市银行资本结构的优化目标    5
    (二)我国上市银行资本结构的特点及现状    5
    四、银行资本结构影响因素分析    8
    (一)宏观背景下的影响因素    9
    (二)微观形势下的影响因素    12
    五、优化银行资本结构的建议及方法    15
    (一)外部控制与监管    15
    (二)内部治理与创新    16
    751、研究的不足与展望    17
    参考文献    19
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