    毕业论文关键词:家电行业  发展能力  海尔
    Home Appliance Industry Development Ability Research       - In haier, For Example
    Abstract: Home appliance industry has been a long time, its industry prospects nature is no better than the present some of the emerging industry, so this request is now home appliance enterprises based on the industry background of self renovation now, upgrade the product, keep up with the pace of The Times, can create its own advantage in the competition to go on. This article is about the home appliance industry development ability research, and development capability can be reflected from the financial reporting data, can also be expressed in terms of strategic management. To haier as a case, the ability of the development of a series of analysis, comprehensive "quantity" and "sex" two aspects, and some conclusions. Haier group as the leader in home appliance industry, its brand effect has a great deterrent at home and abroad, the development of haier group is very typical, for the whole home appliance industry have a guiding role. Today to the home appliance industry has reached the industry saturation of a state, the prospect of its development has not too happy about it. Supply greater than demand, the development ability, each enterprise in order to secure their own market position, persified development mode has been applied gradually.
    Key Words: Home appliance industry, the development ability, haier
    目 录
     一、论文的研究背景及意义    1
    二、发展能力评价概述    1
    (一)发展能力概念综述    1
    (二)发展能力研究方法    2
    1.定量分析    2
    2.定性分析    5
    3.综合分析    5
    三、家电行业发展状况分析    6
    (一)整个家电行业的状况分析    6
    (二)我国家电行业的发展状况分析    6
    1.第一阶段    7
    2.第二阶段    7
    3.第三阶段    8
    4.现阶段行业水平分析    8
    四、案例分析(以海尔为例)    9
    (一)海尔集团简介    9
    (二)海尔集团定量分析    9
    (三)海尔集团定性分析    14
    1.海尔集团的典型战略决策    14
    2.海尔集团的创新发展之路    15
    3.行业环境分析    16
    (四)综合分析与结论    17
    五、家电行业发展能力研究的总结    17
    参考文献    19
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