    毕业论文关键词: 会计信息;失真;危害;成因;对策
    On Causes and Countermeasures of Accounting Information Distortion
    Abstract: accounting information is the people in the process of economic activities, the use of accounting theory and method, through the practice of accounting, to reflect the accounting value of movement of the main economic information. With the development of productivity, the progress of the society, people for information depends on more and more high, the quality of accounting information in China is being more and more attention. However, our country enterprise accounting information distortion phenomenon is the existence of a large number, accounting information distortion will reduce the quality of information and efficiency, but also seriously interfere with the normal social order, damage the public interests of the state and society. Therefore, the radical distortion of accounting information, has been crunch time. In this paper, from the analysis of the reasons of accounting information distortion of accounting management success or failure key is combined with the accounting information authenticity, the accuracy, the distortion of accounting information whether in microcosmic aspect or in the macroscopic aspect caused great harm. In order to make the accounting information to better serve the economic construction of our country, promote the development of enterprises. So it is necessary to reveal the reasons of accounting information distortion in our country, find out the measures to prevent and control, in order to improve the quality of accounting information in our country, promote the process of the socialist modernization of our country.
    KeyWords:  accounting information; distortion; hazard; cause; countermeasure
    一、绪论  1
    二、会计信息及会计信息失真的定义  1
    (一)会计信息  1
    1、会计信息的基本内容 1
    2、会计信息的作用 1
    (二)会计信息的失真  2
    1、会计信息失真的定义 2
    2、会计信息失真的形式 2
    三、会计信息失真的危害  3
    (一)传递错误信息  3
    (二)搅混资本市场  3
    (三)损害公众利益  4
    (四)削弱国家财经法纪的权威性  4
    (五)导致政府预算出现错误  4
    四、会计信息失真的成因  4
    (一)会计法规体系尚不完善  5
    (二)对会计信息失真的处罚力度不大  6
    (三)内部控制制度不完善  6
    (四)会计人员素质不高  7
    五、治理会计信息失真的对策  7
    (一)加强会计法制化  7
    (二)加大处罚力度  8
    (三)完善内部控制制度  8
    (四)提高会计人员的素质  9
    751、结论 10
    致谢 11
  1. 上一篇:论企业财务风险管理
  2. 下一篇:会计信息化对传统会计职能的影响
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