    The application of human resource accounting
    Abstract:In the knowledge economy, a company's human resources as the main driver of corporate value creation, its contribution rate is much higher than traditional capital contribution of substance. Communist Party of China in Shanghai recently held its tenth eighth plenary session of the Committee, the meeting proposed to promote technological innovation and seize important historical opportunity, and firmly grasp the general direction of the world's scientific and technological progress, changes in the global industry trend, talent attraction big move efforts in promoting scientific and technological innovation, the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies in the country to go ahead, go to the world. Thus, talent and innovation as a resource more and more attention, practicality and importance of human resource accounting has become more prominent, the establishment and implementation of human resource accounting is imperative. This paper provides an overview of human resource accounting concepts, development background, trends and significance, then it discusses several basic problems of human resource accounting studies that human resource accounting objectives, assumptions, principles. On this basis, we focus on human resource accounting application system and application environment, human resource accounting application proposed countermeasures in the enterprise.     
    Key words: Human resources ;Human resources accounting;Application Strategies
    目  录
    摘要    iii
    目录    iii
    一、引言    1
    二、人力资源会计概述    2
    (一)    人力资源会计的基本概念    2
    1.    人力资源    2
    2.    人力资源会计    2
    (二)    源会计发展背景    2
    (三)    人力资源会计发展趋势    3
    (四)    建立人力资源会计的重要意义    4
    三、人力资源会计应用体系和应用环境分析    5
    (一)    人力资源会计应用体系    5
    (二)    人力资源会计应用环境分析    5
    1.    人力资源会计宏观环境分析    5
    2.    人力资源会计微观应用环境分析    5
    四、人力资源会计的应用探讨    7
    (一)    人力资源会计实务探讨    7
    1.    人力资源会计模式    7
    2.    人力资源会计报表探讨    7
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