    关键词  治理结构  经营绩效  军工上市公司   实证研究
    Title  An empirical study on the military listing corporation
     governance structure and operating performance                                                   
    Corporate governance is not only a kind of cost is an investment, good corporate governance is the necessary condition to improve the performance of the company. This paper uses empirical research methods, data of 65 selected listed military enterprises from 2010 to 2012, the equity governance variables, the board of directors governance variables and management incentive variables respectively, and a number of performance indicators to do the regression analysis, the relationship between China's listed military enterprise corporate governance and business performance is discussed research. China's listed military enterprises are not perfect places, board governance and management incentive mechanism in the aspects of equity, the need for timely to improve equity structure, more rational design of the board of directors and management team, establish and improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms, the management set up the information disclosure mechanism specification transparent.
    Keywords  governance structure  operating performance  
              military listing corporation  empirical study
    目   次  
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  研究背景及意义  1
    1.2  研究内容及方法  2
    2  相关概述  4
    2.1  相关概念  4
    2.2  相关理论  6
    2.3  公司治理结构与经营绩效相关性的理论分析  7
    3  军工上市公司治理结构与经营绩效相关性的实证设计  10
    3.1  样本选取和数据来源  10
    3.2  研究假设  10
    3.3  研究变量的选取  10
    3.4  模型构造  12
    4  军工上市公司治理结构与经营绩效相关性的实证分析  13
    4.1  经营绩效指标的确定  13
    4.2  描述性统计  17
    4.3  相关性分析  19
    4.4  回归分析  20
    5  研究结论及建议  23
    5.1  研究结论  23
    5.2  相关建议  24
    结论  27
      致谢 28
    参考文献 29

    表1  变量定义表  12
    表2  经营绩效评价指标  13
    表3  KMO 和 Bartlett 的检验  14
    表4  解释的总方差  14
    表5  成分矩阵  15
    表6  旋转成分矩阵  15
    表7  成分得分系数矩阵  16
    表8  经营绩效描述性统计  17
    表9  第一大股东持股比例描述性统计  18
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