    关键词  可持续发展  环境成本含义  环境成本核算  环境成本控制
    Title   Environmental cost accounting and control under
     sustainable development                                          
    The changing science and technology promote the rapid development of the economy, but environmental issues have become increasingly prominent. Environmental issues brought survived crisis for people. In recent years, due to the growing environmental consciousness of mankind, how to protect the environment has become the most important issue of the moment. The Party's 18 report states that "the construction of ecological civilization is the relationship between people's welfare, relating to the nation's future long-term plan," so we have try our best to promote sustainable development, because they are important ways and means for the construction of ecological civilization. Business as a basic economic cell, its every move is closely related to environmental issues, accounting, corporate information as an effective means of measurement and assessment. This article from the concepts of sustainable development strategy for the environmental cost, accounting and control the angle discusses the importance of corporate environmental costs, environmental costs should be included about the business enterprise cost accounting system, to achieve sustainable development of enterprises.
    Keywords   Sustainable development  The meaning of environment cost   Environment cost accounting   Environment cost control
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 环境成本研究的背景    1
    1.2 环境成本研究的意义    1
    1.3 研究方法及思路    2
    2 可持续发展战略下企业环境成本理论基础    3
    2.1 环境成本的含义及分类    3
    2.2  可持续发展战略下环境成本的界定    4
    2.3  可持续发展战略下环境成本的理论基础    4
    3 可持续发展战略下企业环境成本的核算    6
    3.1 可持续发展战略下环境成本的确认    6
    3.2 可持续发展战略下环境成本的计量    7
    3.3 环境成本核算的内容    8
    4 可持续发展战略下企业环境成本的控制    10
    4.1 可持续发展战略下环境成本控制的概念    10
    4.2 我国企业环境成本控制中存在的问题    10
    4.3 环境成本控制的模式    11
    5 案例分析    12
    5.1 宜家集团公司概况    13
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