    Abstract: This paper enumerates several typical micro material tensile test method, detailed introduces the drive way, the force and displacement of the testing principle, and the difficulty in the experiment. Proposes two design scheme of micro tensile testing agencies, and the design details of micro tensile testing institutions structure, the ball screw, straight bevel gear, such as micro clamp sample parts. Ball screw choose product of brand of a Taiwan PVP, diameter of 12 mm, 2 mm lead. Also involved to the ball screw, straight bevel gear, bevel gear, shaft, bearing, key and the intensity, the life of the motor and capacity respectively, etc. Paper further put forward the micro tensile test agency of improvements and development direction of next step. Including one-way stretch into a two-way stretch. Stretching jig improvement for can do tensile, compression, fatigue, bending and shearing experiment of fixture; Heat in taichung for heating of the material performance test sample.
    Key words: The micro stretch; Organization design; Ball screw; Fixture

    1 前言    1
    1.1 课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 传统材料拉伸机的发展现状    2
    1.3 国内外微型拉伸测试研究现状    5
    1.3.1 驱动方式    5
    1.3.2 载荷测量    6
    1.3.3 位移测量    6
    1.3.4 机械框架    8
    1.3.5 商品化装置    8
    1.3.6国内外综述小结    11
    1.4 论文的主要内容和意义    11
    2 机构设计方案    11
    2.1材料拉伸机结构方案选型    11
    2.2微型拉伸机机构设计方案    12
    3 微型拉伸试验机构设计    14
    3.1滚珠丝杠校核    14
    3.2 电动机校核    21
    3.3 锥齿轮轴校核    23
    3.4直齿锥齿轮强度校核    27
    3.5锥齿轮键连接校核    32
    3.6 轴承校核    34
    4 使用说明书    40
    5微型拉伸试验机构改进展望    41
    5.1 单向拉伸变为双向拉伸    41
    5.2 夹具的改进    41
    5.3 在热台中进行材料试验    41
    1 前言
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