    The experimental performance of circumferential over lap trisection helical baffle heat exchangers
    Abstract: In this paper, five different spiral Angle (12 ° ~ 28 °) of the spiral baffle plate heat exchanger and the bow baffle heat exchanger respectively tested performance research, in view of the heat transfer performance of plate heat exchanger, resistance performance and comprehensive evaluation are analyzed. Results show that under the two kinds of working medium, the shell side of the spiral baffle plate heat exchanger in convective heat transfer coefficient increases linearly with the increase of traffic; Shell side pressure drop increases with flow rate, in a small spiral Angle when this trend more obvious, and the pressure drop when two kinds of working medium is very close; Unit pressure drop of the heat transfer coefficient drops rapidly with the increase of traffic, leveled off after. Spiral baffle plate heat exchanger heat transfer performance and resistance performance under certain conditions is better than the bow baffle heat exchanger.
    Keywords:Spiral baffle plate heat exchanger; Spiral Angle; Heat transfer; Resistance; The bow baffle heat exchanger
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    文献综述    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    发展趋势    1
    1.2.1    新型换热器-螺旋折流板换热器    1
    1.2.2    换热器之螺旋折流板换热器的制造    4
    1.2.3    螺旋流式支撑结构    6
    1.3    螺旋折流板换热器的研究进展    7
    1.4    换热器技术的发展前景    8
    1.4.1    用于整体装置设计的数据库技术    8
    1.4.2    计算流体力学( CFD) 和模型化设计的应用    8
    1.4.3    换热器强化传热技术的发展    8
    2    实验装置和实验原理    9
    2.1    传热性能实验装置简介    9
    2.1.1    实验目的    10
    2.1.2    开出实验项目    10
    2.1.3    实验装置    10
    2.2    实验操作    16
    2.2.1    实验前准备    16
    2.2.2    实验中操作    16
    2.2.3    电脑主控界面的操作    17
    2.2.4    实验内芯的更换    20
    2.2.5    实验所遇部分问题    20
    3    实验数据处理与分析    22
    3.1    数据保存    22
    3.2    实验数据的筛选    22
    3.3    所需参数的计算    23
    3.4    计算过程    24
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