

    毕业论文关键词: 反应釜;中和反应;优化设计

    Design and Optimization of Neutralization reacter

    Abstract: The reaction tank is an important equipment of the chemical industry, which consists of tank body, jacket, stirrer, transmission device, shaft seal device, bearing and so on, set the manhole can carry out equipment maintenance, the tank medium is acidic Body, jacket medium for the hot oil, the tank operating pressure is 0.5MPa, the operating temperature of 100 ℃. The jacket operating pressure is 1.1 MPa and the operating temperature is 180 ° C. The equipment volume is designed to be 8m3. This paper describes the design process of the above components. The inner diameter, length and thickness of the cylinder and cylinder head and jacket and jacket are calculated and checked for strength. , To ensure the safety of the design of the main equipment.

    Key words: Reactor; Neutralization reaction; Optimized design

    目  录

    1  前言 1

      1.1  国内外发展趋势 1

      1.2  搅拌器的发展趋势 1

        1.2.1  大型化 1

    1.2.2  连续化 2

    1.2.3 节能化 2

    1.2.4  微型化 2

    2  中和反应罐罐体的设计 3

      2.1  反应罐筒体的几何尺寸设计 3

        2.1.1  确定筒体的内径 3

    2.1.2  确定封头的尺寸 3

    2.1.3 确定筒体的高度 4

    2.1.4  筒体的材料选择 4

    2.1.5  筒体的壁厚计算 4

    2.1.6  筒体的稳定性校核 5

    2.1.7  筒体的水压试验校核 8

      2.2  反应罐封头的设计计算 8

    2.2.1  封头的壁厚计算 8

    2.2.2  封头的稳定性校核 9

    2.3  反应罐夹套的设计计算 9

    2.3.1  确定夹套的内径和高度 9

    2.3.2  确定夹套的传热面积 11

    2.3.3  夹套的壁厚计算 12

    2.3.4  夹套封头的壁厚设计 12

    2.3.5  夹套水压试验校核 14

    2.4  法兰连接结构的设计 14

    2.4.1  法兰的选型 14

    2.4.2  密封面的选取

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