    摘要:基于UG平台进行了航空发动机叶盘的计算机辅助设计(CAD/CAM)及五轴高速切削制造的工艺设计,完成复杂曲面零件的整个设计、加工过程。     UG NX  是美国  Unigraphics  Solutions 公司(简称UG)突出的集于CAD/CAM/CAE于一体的三文参数化设计软件。它集合了概念设计、工程设计、分析与加工制造的功能,在汽车与交通、航空航天、日用消费品、通用机械领域得到了大规模的应用。本课题中我运用UG进行了航空发动机叶盘的结构建模,并根据所绘制的模型,利用UG中的“加工”功能,通过对零件加工工艺的分析,制定了合理的航空发动机叶盘五轴数控加工工艺,对不同的工艺要求,设定加工参数,采用五轴铣,针对叶盘槽的特殊曲面结构选择设计了一把专门用于叶盘槽切削的成型刀具。确定主轴转速和刀具参数后生成了一条叶盘槽的刀具路径后,对刀具路径进行了复制旋转17次后分别生成了其他叶盘槽的所有刀具路径。随后验证轨迹的可行性和合理性之后,使用UG内置的后处理功能模块,生成了菲迪亚数控系统刀具路径的NC代码文件。将NC代码导入实验室的HS664五轴数控加工中心。用圆柱螺栓通过工件中心孔装夹工件,设定工件坐标系,完成对刀,刀具长度设置等加工准备后,进行航空发动机叶盘的粗加工和精加工,完成样件的试切。整个设计过程包括了CAD建模,数控工艺分析,刀具路径轨迹生成,刀具路径2D模拟仿真,五轴数控NC代码生成,模拟加工与样件的试切。8866
    CAD/CAM for five-axis machining of aero-engine disc based on UG
    Abstract: Based on UG aeroengine leaf discs were computer-aided design (CAD / CAM) and five-axis high-speed machining manufacturing process design, complex surface parts of the whole design process.
     UG NX Unigraphics Solutions is a U.S. company (abbreviated UG) outstanding collection in CAD / CAM / CAE in one of the three-dimensional parametric design software. It combines the conceptual design, engineering design, analysis and manufacturing functions in the automotive and transportation, aerospace, consumer products, general machinery fields has been large-scale application. This topic has been in my employ UG aeroengine leaf disc structure modeling, and according to the model drawn using the UG in the "processing" function, through the process on the part of the analysis, development of a rational aeroengine leaf discs five axis CNC machining process for different process requirements, set processing parameters, the use of five-axis milling, the special slot for bladed disk surface structure selection designed specifically for a leaf disc shaped groove cutting tool. Determine spindle speed and tool parameters later became a leaf disc slot tool path, the tool path is duplicated rotated 17 times, respectively, generated all the other leaf disc groove toolpaths. Then verify the feasibility and rationality track, use the built-in post-processing functions UG module generated Fidia CNC toolpaths NC code file. The NC code into the lab HS664 axis CNC machining center. With cylindrical bolt through the center hole of the workpiece clamping the workpiece, the workpiece coordinate system is set to complete the knife, tool length setting, such as processing preparation, conduct aero-engine leaf discs for roughing and finishing, to complete the test sample cut. Throughout the design process includes CAD modeling, CNC process analysis, tool path trajectory generation, 2D toolpath simulation, five-axis NC NC code generation, simulation processing and sample-outs.
    Keywords: aero-engine leaf disc;-axis machining; CAD / CAM; UG
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
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    1.1.1 选题背景    1
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