    关键词: 非吸附式;双框;间歇运动;安全性能;创新
    Research of non-adsorption climbing robot
    Abstract:The topic for the window-cleaning robot will reform it which have been researched and developed on the market. We want to develop a kind of window-cleaning robot that is different from the traditional using magnetic adsorption or vacuum adsorption, which use non-adsorption. Based on the characteristics of the window-cleaning robot using non-adsorption, we have considered the structure of the legs, the legs of the support form and security issues after the loss of power and so on. The following papers focus on discussing these problems in-depth and solving It in several parts .After comparing and analyzing the programs one by one, we ultimately decided to adopt the vertical walking way .Window-cleaning robot is driven to the upward or the downward by rack and gear .And we take advantage of spring stretching to control the legs to stretch out and recover the action. We also consider in multi-angle the performance of window-cleaning robot in safety after the loss of electricity, such as the legs should be recovered or pop-up when loss of electricity, how to use the spring to ensure the safety of window-cleaning robot after loss of power, and under which situation window-cleaning robot will be interfered and fall down. Such problems will be expanded in the following paper.
    Key Words: non-adsorption;double frame;intermittent motion;
    performance in safety;creation
    目 录
    1 课题绪论    4
    2 设计思想    4
    2.1 课题综述    4
    2.2 构思过程    5
    2.2.1升降爬动方式的选择    5
    2.2.2垂直行走支撑形式    5
    2.2.3 安全性    5
    2.3 方案确定    6
    2.3.1 腿部结构    6
    2.3.2 爬行原理    7
    2.3.3 其余细节设计    9
    3 设计过程    11
    3.1 三文结构设计    11
    3.1.1 UG介绍    11
    3.1.2  三文结构设计    13
    3.2 结构设计    17
    3.3 计算校核    20
    3.3.1 齿轮齿条计算    20
    3.3.2 摩擦力计算    23
    3.3.3 气缸计算    25
    3.3.4 计算弹簧系数K    26
    3.3.5 转矩计算    27
    4 实体装配    28
    5 总结    29
    7 参考文献    30
    1 课题绪论
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