

    毕业论文关键词  搬运机械手 气压传动  PLC控制

    Title   The Structrial Design and Control Research of  the  Cartesian Transporting Manipulator

    Abstract There has been rapid development of the research of the manipulator In our country.A manipulator can finish some particular movements just like human’s limbs,so they are playing more and more important role in the area of manufacturing industry and will be more wildly applied in our lives.Meanwhile,there requests more strict requirment of the design and production of the manipulators. This paper mainly describes the design of the pneumatic manipulator to finish the task of moving the workpieces to particular positions.The design is accomplished according to the required orders by using the learned  basic theory ,knowledge and the revelant professional knowledge.The manipulator is drived by pneumatics and is mainly made up of a pneumatic clamping claw ,a vertical cylinder ,a horizontal cylinder,a tilt cylinder and a rodless cylinder.Programmable logic controller is used as the control system.

    Keywords: transporting manipulator, pneumatic transmission , programmable logic controller

    1. 绪论 5

    1.1 概述 5

    1.2机械手的发展现状以及未来趋势 5

    2. 课题的提出及主要任务 7

    3. 设计方案选择与确定 8

    3.1驱动方式选择 8

    3.2 驱动系统的控制设计 8

    3.3  气动元件选取及工作原理 9

    4. 机械手执行机构的计算与选型 13

    4.1 夹持气爪的计算与选型 13

    4.2水平气缸的计算与选型 14

    4.3垂直无杆气缸的计算与选型 17

    4.4摆动气缸的机选与选型 19

    4.5水平无杆气缸的计算与选型 21

    5. PLC的控制系统方案的确定 26

    5.1 PLC机型的分析与选择 26

    5.2.PLC可编程控制器的分配表 27

    5.3 PLC的外部接线图 29

    5.4 PLC程序的确定与编写 30


    1.1 概述

       机械手是一种自动化装置,能模拟人的手臂的部分动作, 按预定的程序、轨迹及其它要求, 实现抓取、搬运工件或操纵工具。而可编程控制器(PLC)由于其具有的高可靠性、编程方便、易于使用和修改、易于扩展和维护、环境要求低、体积小巧,安装调试方便, 在工业控制中有着广泛的应用。搬运机械手是用在生产线上搬运物料的一种自动化装置。其工作对象是将物料从生产线上转运到下道工序或存放位置。主要可以完成抓取,上升,平移,摆动等一系列动作。它能够在高温、高压、多粉尘、易燃、易爆、放射性等恶劣环境中,以及在笨重、单调、频繁的操作中代替人工作业,因此在现代工业生产过程中起着越发重要的作用 。

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