


    毕业论文关键词: 三维扫描仪  总体方案  结构设计


    Title     research of 3 d scanner     overall plan and organization design          

     Abstract Recently, 3 d scanning technology has been widely applied in the medical, reverse engineering, entertainment and other industries. And with the development of computer technology, areas such as industrial production, film and television production, fashion design, military training, medical diagnosis have put forward a more urgent requirements: quick access to objects in the 3 d model. 

    3 d scanning technology is an emerging discipline in the information retrieval technology and information processing technology development Sammy. 3 d scanner, a kind of can directly by the object of the original 3 d information of computer input device, implementing digital objects, which means that physical information in the real world can be converted into digital signals which can be processed directly by computer, from analog to digital conversion, has wide development prospects. 3 d scanner was used to obtain the data by adjusting the angle of a camera and projector.This paper completed the overall scheme and structure design of 3 d scanner study, mainly study the Angle adjustment device and cooling system, by which can realize the precise rotation and long time operation as the goal in this paper.

    Keywords:  3 d scanner  The overall plan   The structure design

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 三维扫描仪的立项和意义 2

       1.2.1研究背景 2

       1.2.2研究的目的和意义 3

    1.3 国内外现状分析及发展趋势 4

       1.3.1国外研究现状 4

       1.3.2 国内研究现状 6

    1.4 本文主要内容 7

    2 三维扫描仪的设计要求及工作原理 8

    2.1 三维扫描仪的设计要求 8

       2.1.1 角度调节机构 8

       2.1.2 机箱设计 9

       2.1.3 散热系统 9

       2.1.4 内部结构设计 9

       2.1.5测量支架 9

    2.2 三维扫描仪的测量原理

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