


    毕业论文关键词:冲压生产   自动送料   齿轮系   连杆机构   电动机


    Title  Embossing machine feeding device design

    Abstract With the development of mechanical engineering, stamping on the feeding system reliability, precision, productivity and so raise the requirements of a more profound, stamping production line, automatic feeding system has been gradually replaced by hand feeding. Automatic feed mechanism as to achieve fully automated stamping production and processing of the basic requirements, the ability to achieve the automation of feeding a direct impact on stamping production can fully automated. According to entrust the technical parameters provided by the manufacturer, with the actual production and living of the actual situation, design a coin (badge) stamping machine automatic feed mechanism. The feeding system has the feeding mechanism and the top feeding mechanism composed of two parts. Feed mechanism from the power source, transmission mechanism, the working parts of three parts, through a gear train and a four-bar mechanism to drive the working parts of the power source movement, to achieve pushing plate blank in the horizontal direction to drive the movement. Top feeding device using simple gear train mechanism, the motor torque is transmitted to the movement and working bodies.

    Keywords Stamping   Automatic feeding   Gear train   Linkage   Electric motor

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  设计背景 1

    1.2  自动送料系统的发展现状 1

    1.3  自动送料系统的发展趋势 4

    2  系统总体设计 5

    3  送料机构设计   5

    3.1. 平面连杆设计   5

    3.2  齿轮系机构设计   9

    3.3  电动机选择   14

    3.4  工作部件设计   17

    4  顶料机构设计     17

    4.1 减速器的选用  17

    4.2 顶料电机的选择  22

    4.3 零部件设计    22

    结论  25

    致谢  26

    参考文献  27

    1 绪论


    1.1 设计背景


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