

    毕业论文关键词  球形固体火箭发动机  总体设计  装药结构


    Title   ____Spherical Solid Rocket Motor Design    

    Abstract Solid rocket engine is a kind of excellent power plant with simple structure. It shows great advantages and potential in the military field after it appeared. It has been used and developed in the previous war, and it not only has been applied for spacecraft, space shuttle and other air vehicles, but also has become an important power plant in the military and civilian fields. This paper mainly studies the Spherical solid rocket motor general structure, propellant structure design, the combustion chamber design, nozzle design, the ignition system design and interior ballistic calculation. The purpose of designing Spherical solid rocket motor is to understand the structure and key technology of Spherical solid rocket motor, and lay a solid foundation for the development of high-performance solid rocket motor.

    Keywords  Spherical solid rocket motor    The overall structure   Propellant structure

    摘  要 1

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 课题研究背景 5

    1.2相关领域研究进展 6

    1.3 固体火箭发动机的基本组成 8

    1.4 本论文的主要工作 9

    2 发动机总体设计 11

    2.1 课题设计要求 11

    2.2 发动机结构 11

    2.3 推进剂选择 12

    2.4 燃烧室壳体材料选择 13

    2.5 发动机壳体主要设计参数选择 14

    3 发动机推进剂装药结构设计 16

    3.1 装药药型选择 16

    3.2 星孔球形药柱结构参数设计 18

    4 发动机喷管设计 20

    4.1 喷管的型面设计 20

    4.1.1 喷管收敛段设计 21

    4.1.2 喷管喉部设计 21

    4.1.3 喷管扩张段设计 22

    4.1.4 喷管几何参数 23

    4.2 喷管热防护 23

    4.3 喷管与燃烧室壳体的联接 24

    5 点火装置设计 27

    5.1 点火药类型选择 27

    5.2 点火药量计算 27

    5.3 点火药盒设计

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