

    毕业论文关键词    道路发电  减速带发电  齿轮   虚拟样机   飞轮


    Title    The design of road deceleration power plant                    

    Abstract This topic by analyzing the status of the road generation is proposed to transform to road speed humps, connecting power plant, will bring the cars to slow down and some of the kinetic energy of the gravitational potential energy is converted to electrical energy. This paper presents two options: Option one through the link mechanism driven generator rotor; program two growth driven through a gear train generator rotor. After comparing the advantages and disadvantages, power generation efficiency, and the final two options program design. First, select the corresponding power generation by estimating models of generators, then the transmission ratio gear mechanism design, stress analysis carried out through the gears, shafts and cabinet design. At last,the dynamic performance and generating efficiency is verified by virtual prototype technology.The program of the gear transmission mechanism and the flywheel generator used road, a good solution to the instability caused by mechanical transmission and affect power quality problems, while ensuring that the generator can continue to generate electricity.

    Keywords  Roads generation  Deceleration with electricity  Gear     Virtual Prototyping  Flywheel


    第一章绪论 1

    1.1道路发电现状 1

    1.2道路发电的意义 2

    1.3道路减速带发电方案 3

    第二章减速带发电装置总体设计 5

    2.1方案选择比较 5

    2.2总体结构设计 8

    2.3发电量计算 10

    2.4发电机的选择 12

    第三章 装置运动动力参数计算 15

    3.1传动系统设计 15

    3.2齿轮设计 19

    3.3轴的设计 25

    3.4壁厚设计 27

    3.5动力学仿真 27

    第四章 总结 29

    4.1道路减速发电装置实际安装 29

    4.2道路减速发电装置创新点 30

    结论 31

    致谢 32

    参考文献 33

    1  绪论

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