

    关键词  装药设计  燃面分析   单室双推力  内弹道


    Title         The design of  300 mm single-chamber   dual thrust solid rocket motor          


    The design theories of star grain and other simple grain structures are applied to design two composite grain structures in this paper, including the end-face with star grain and casing grain with star grain. Geometric combustion law was used to analyze the burning area of two different grain structures. The zero-dimensional interior ballistic model for a single-chamber dual-thrust solid rocket motor of series combination of grain structures is applied to study their respective interior ballistics. With the parameters of them, the overall errors meet the engineering requirements. By comparing those respective pressure and thrust curves of two different motors, the one that has end-face and star grain is more reliable, which form the basis of further optimization of the engine structure.

    Keywords   grain design   analysis of burning area   single-chamber dual-thrust  Interior ballistics

    目 录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外本课题研究现状 1

    1.3  主要研究内容 4

    2  装药设计与分析 5

    2.1  方案论证与选择 5

    2.2  装药设计 5

    2.3  套管+星孔组合装药方案分析 12

    2.4  端面+星孔组合装药方案分析 18

    2.5  本章小结 20

    3  内弹道计算与分析 21

    3.1  零维内弹道模型 21

    3.2  数值计算方法及流程 24

    3.3  套管与星孔装药内弹道特性分析 25

    3.4  端燃药柱与星孔装药内弹道特性分析 27

    3.5  本章小结 29

    4  固体火箭发动机结构设计 31

    4.1  燃烧室设计 31

    4.2  喷管设计 33

    4.3  强度校核 36

    4.4  本章小结 39

    结  论 40

    致  谢 41

    参考文献 42

    1  绪论

    1.1  研究的背景及意义

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