

    毕业论文关键词  自动榴弹发射器  结构设计  强度校核  受力分析


    Title    The design of vehicle Automatic grenade launcher                     


    This paper mainly completed the design of the 30 mm automatic grenade launcher, car bracket shall be the responsibility of the other students. This gun uses the tube type automatic way back, ball traverse type atresia, play the chain for play, play series switch function. This paper completed the barrel, locking mechanism, supply mechanism, launch mechanism, shell, shell body, the firing mechanism, machine box structural design, intensity of parts at the same time, the service life is calculated. Analyses TuiDan implement schedule determined, shell to pull hook etc on the force analysis and reliability analysis. The final drawing using ProE 3 d assembly, automatic grenade launcher finish important parts with AUTOCAD 2 d figure drawing.

    Keywords  Automatic grenade launchers Structural Design  Strength Check  Stress Analysis 


    1  引言 1

    1.1  多口径自动榴弹发射器战术性能比较 1

    1.2  各国自动榴弹发射器的设计特点分析 2

    2  榴弹发射器总体方案设计 3

    2.1  榴弹发射器总体布置特点 3

    3  枪管设计 4

    3.1  枪管外部结构设计 4

    3.2  枪管尾端形状 4

    3.3  弹膛设计 5

    3.4  线膛设计 7

    3.5  枪管强度设计 8

    4  闭锁机构设计 10

    4.1  闭锁机构的作用 10

    4.2  闭锁机构的结构设计 10

    4.3  闭锁机构支撑部分的接触强度与接触疲劳寿命 11

    5  供弹机构设计 14

    5.1  输弹机构的结构设计 14

    5.2  进弹机构的设计 15

    5.2.1  榴弹在进弹口位置的确定 15

    5.2.2  榴弹拖链方式 15

    6  退壳机构设计 16

    6.1  抽壳机构设计 16

    6.1.1  抽壳钩的受力分析 17

    6.1.2  抽壳钩结构设计 20

    6.2  抛壳机构设计 21

    7  击发机构设计

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