

    毕业论文关键词  可装定底火 检测仪 电路设计 引信


    Title  The Design of Setting Primer Detector


    Setting primer technology makes use of the time interval between the needle touching the primer and the projectile launched to achieve the information setting.This technology can overcome the insufficiency of the existing setting technology,and also implement new high explosive anti-tank cartridge reliable setting before launched.Determined in this paper, the setting primer system working principle is analyzed, improvement scheme of setting primer was introduced in detail, and the scheme is verified by the experiments.Through the analysis of experimental data primer detector design scheme is established.According to the design requirements of detecting performance for setting prime and to ensure the security of the testing process, the dual over-current protection circuit which based on software and hardware combined with is designed.And the whole detector circuit is designed based on this.Also the working principle of the circuit module are analyzed in detail.The experiment’s results verify the accuracy of detection principle at last. The conclusion in this paper has reference meaning to setting primer detector’s engineering design.

    Keywords  Setting primer  Detector  Circuit design  Fuze

    目   录

    1.绪论 1

    1.1研究背景概述 1

    1.2现有装定技术发展概况 1

    1.3底火装定技术国内外发展状况 3

    1.4本文主要工作和结构 4

    2.底火装定系统分析 6

    2.1底火装定系统简介 6

    2.2底火设计方案 6

    2.3装定器设计原理方案 7

    2.4引信专用模块设计 8

    3.可装定底火改进方案及实验 9

    3.1可装定底火改进基本思想 9

    3.2可装定底火改进方案及实验结果 10

    4检测仪电路设计 14

    4.1检测仪设计原理 14

    4.2电源调理电路 14

    4.3过流过压保护电路 17

    4.4电流检测电路 18

    4.5单片机的选用 21

    4.6液晶的选用 25

    5.底火检测仪电流检测及其可靠度计算 29

    结  论 32

    致  谢

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