

    关键词  冲压发动机  旋流模拟器  旋流  设计  数值仿真


    Title    The Design and Numerical Simulation of  the Swirler for Ramjets                


    A method was devised for the design of the swirler for ramjets. The geo- metrical parameters of the swirler were determined on the basis of swirl number assigned 0.5. Flux-limiting throats were designed for 16 different airflow conditions. In order to decrease the flux loss, fairing cones were devised. A calculation model were composed with a Flux-limiting throat, a swirler and a fairing cone. The calculation models was numerically si- mulated to study the flow properties with 16 airflow conditions.A series of flow parameters in the exit of calculation model were obtained and it can be found that these parameters increased with the increase of mass flow rate. Based on the results of numerical simulation,the total pressure recovery coefficients and swirl numbers were caculated. The total pressure loss of the airflow in Flux-limiting throats were obvious and increased with the increase of mach number. The total pressure loss of the airflow in swirlers were slight as well as their variation range. The swirl numbers were independent of flowing situation,and they were determined by the swirls’geometrical parameters.

    Keywords  ramjet  swirler  swirl  design  numerical simulation

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  研究的背景及意义 3

    1.3  国内外相关研究综述 4

    1.4  本文的主要工作 5

    2  冲压发动机旋流模拟器的设计 6

    2.1  旋流器的设计与计算 6

    2.2  限流喉道设计及其出口气流状态参数计算 10

    2.3  整流锥设计 15

    2.4  本章小结 16

    3  冲压发动机旋流模拟器的仿真 16

    3.1  基本假设和控制方程 17

    3.2  湍流模型 18

    3.3  计算模型及网格划分 19

    3.4  边界条件 21

    3.5  求解方法和初场值的给定 22

    3.6  计算流程 23

    3.7  本章小结 23

    4  数值仿真结果与分析 24

    4.1  流场计算云图

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