    Improved design of machining center spindle box
    Abstract: With the rapid development of modern industry and the application of new technology, the social productive force has arrived at a new level. Machining center which is used in various processing applications is becoming more and more popular and its technology is more and more mature. Because of the actual production and the need of market competition, technology requirements of machining center are also getting higher and higher.
    The spindle box is an important part of machining center, it is used to assign working spindle of machine tool, the transmission parts and additional mechanism accordingly. Most spindle boxes adopt multistage gear transmission, through the transmission gear and drive shaft of the transmission system, it spreads the movement to the spindle, making the spindle get speed and the direction of provisions. With the rapid development of electric drive technology and the mechanical transmission system structure is becoming more perfect, the spindle box processing center should be simplified, cancelling the traditional pulley and gear transmission and using motor drive spindle directly,that is electric spindle. So I put forward an idea about the improved design of machining center spindle box.
    Key Words:Machining center;Gear;Electric spindle
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 数控机床的基本概念    1
    1.2 数控机床的发展历程    1
    1.2.1 加工中心特点    1
    1.3 数控机床的发展趋势    2
    1.4 改进方案说明    3
    2主轴箱总体方案设计    3
    2.1 机座和箱体概述    3
    2.2 机座和箱体的截面形状及肋板布置    4
    2.3 机座和箱体设计概要    6
    2.4 机床主传动系统设计    7
    3 电主轴    8
    3.1 电主轴概述    8
    3.2 电主轴工作原理    8
    3.3 电主轴优点    8
    4 电主轴轴的设计和计算    9
    4.1 电主轴轴材料的选择    9
    4.2 轴的结构设计    9
    4.3 轴的校核    9
    4.4 电主轴装配注意问题    11
    4.4.1 轴承的安装    11
    4.4.2 轴承的使用和保管    15
    4.5 电主轴过盈联结装置的设计    15
    5 电主轴轴承技术    16
    5.1 电主轴轴承的选择    16
    5.2轴承的工况分析    16
    5.3 电主轴轴承的校核计算    17
    5.3.1 滚动轴承寿命计算    17
    5.3.2 电主轴轴承静载荷及极限转速    18
    5.4 电主轴轴承的组合设计    19
    5.4.1 支承端结构形式    19
    5.4.2 轴承的配合    19
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