


    毕业论文关键词:钻杆拧帽机 定位装置 直线位移传感器 上升系统 往返系统


    Along with our country national economy steady and rapid development of the drill pipe used in more and more places, especially in the field of exploration, such as oil drilling, engineering technology is more and more high, thus there is an increasing demand for drill pipe, and drill pipe will be used more and more enterprises, so to shackle and screw down the drill pipe machine will be more and more get the favour of related businesses.Drill pipe quality, larger volume and easy to bending deformation but these characteristics led to tighten and shackle of drill pipe by artificial to complete is not realistic, this not only takes time and energy workers, also cannot effectively complete the task, so the drill pipe screw cap machine with the needs of enterprises is very necessary.Drill pipe screw cap machine tool positioning device is designed for drill pipe screw cap machine designed to tighten the drill pipe and the shackle of a device that has a compact structure, stable, long life, a person can operate, and many other advantages.Through this device can realize the drill pipe movement back and forth, lifting movement and a fixed lock, so the design of the device is mainly pided into two parts: device design of lifting system and device and system design.Lifting system is mainly composed of roller, pagoda type spring, hydraulic cylinder, linear displacement transducer, etc;System is mainly composed of hydraulic system, back and forth rolling bearing, wheel, fixture, linear displacement transducer, etc;There will be other additional components, such as guide rail, etc.This article is to achieve two hydraulic cylinder type selection, the design of the rolling bearing, gear, the amount of float and the choice of guide rail, this device through the linear displacement sensor for mobile data, through the hydraulic circuit to realize reservation. And this function is performed by other team members to, so in the design process should take the initiative to communicate with other team members to communicate, to avoid problems such as improper approach.。

    Keywords: drill pipe screw cap rising machine positioning device linear displacement sensor system from system


    摘要 3

    Abstract 4

    第1章 绪论5

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