

    毕业论文关键词:蜗轮蜗杆 建模 仿真 SolidWorks


    Design method of this thesis mainly tells the worm, rapid development in the manufacturing industry today, the transmission system is widely used in all kinds of machinery and equipment of the worm gear worm, but because of the complex shape, it gives the design of processing and assembly brings a lot of problems, so in order to solve this problem, we must use the advanced computer technology of computer-aided design, design a 3D entity of worm drive, so that we can solve all design must establish a solid modeling, in this paper, firstly, introduces the present situation and the domestic and foreign research situation of 3D design, expounds the actual situation by using the 3D solid model of three-dimensional design technology to design can be very intuitive the performance of the product, and then introduces the three-dimensional design software SOLIDWORK, this paper introduces the SolidWorks performance and universality, using SolidWorks easy to understand interface makes use of its people are like, the last is the focus of this paper, the design of the worm, the worm in the paper firstly introduced, then describes the design principle and design method of the worm, the most in order to improve the work efficiency, Study on the mechanism movement under different parameter analysis, the so-called parametric modeling, finally design the worm, to simulate its movement.

    Keywords:  drill press  transmission system  multi-function special 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1三维建模概述 1

    1.2 国内研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3 三维建模的发展趋势 2

    1.4 本课题研究的目的和意义 3

    1.5 本课题研究的基本内容 4

    1.6 三维建模的技术 4

    第二章 基于SolidWorks的三维建模 6

    2.1 SolidWorks软件简介 6

    2.2 Solidworks的发展趋势 7

    2.3 Solidworks软件组成 7

    2.4 Solidworks软件特点 8

    第三章 蜗轮蜗杆的设计 9

    3.1设计软件的选择 9

    3.2任务分析 9

    3.3蜗杆蜗杆传动的类型和特点 9


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