


    毕业论文关键词: 减压阀、参数化、装配、Solidworks。

    Abstract  The steam reducing valve is used to control the opening and the closing parts to regulate the media flow valve body opening ,medium pressure will be reduced , at the same time with the aid of the role of regulating valve after pressure opening of open-close part, keep the valve after pressure within a certain range, under the condition of the inlet pressure changing, keep the outlet pressure in the set range, protection appliances for production later. Many types of steam pressure reducing valve ,there are common, the pilot piston type pressure reducing valve ,diaphragm valve,bellows type relief valve,proportional valve,self-operated pressure reducing valve etc...In this paper,we mainly introduce the pilot piston type pressure reducing valve. 

        This paper not only introduces the valve function ,from the aspects of principle, type, development situation ,the calculation and check the pressure reducing valve , 3Dmodelling parametric design,the valve assembly is described in detail.One of the most important is the parametric modeling using Solidworks software. 

    Keywords:pressure reducing valve; parametric; assembly; solidworks.

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1


    1.2蒸汽减压阀的功能以及原理 1

    1.3我国减压阀的现状和种类 2

    1.4减压阀种类 3

    1.4.1先导活塞式减压阀 3

    1.4.2自立式减压阀 4

    第二章 减压阀选型及相关研究 5

    2.1 蒸汽减压阀选型 5

    2.2 减压阀的选择的注意事项 6

    2.3 蒸汽减压阀正确安装 6

    2.4 阀门快速设计方法研究 7

    第三章 蒸汽减压阀的设计和校核计算 9

    3.1蒸汽减压阀阀体壁厚计算 9

    3.2减压阀阀盖强度校核 9

    3.3阀盘的强度校核 11

    3.4阀体密封面上的总作用力及其计算比压计算 12

    3.5阀杆的强度计算 13

    第四章 蒸汽减压阀的参数化设计 16

    4.1 Solidworks三维技术的作用 16

    4.2 Solidworks参数化设计方法 17

    4.3采用系列零件设计表实现参数化设计 18

    4.4基本零件的建模和参数化 18

    4.4.1 阀体的建模和参数化 18

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