

    通过查阅相关文献,对于当下网球捡球车的详情已有相关研究总结如下:第一类为手推式的捡球机,此类作品需要靠人推动捡球车去捡球,无智能装置。 第二类为电动控制式的捡球机,此类作品需要靠人遥控完成捡球,无智能装置。 第三类为自动控制捡球车,但此类作品大多每次只能捡一个球,而且没有避人避障等一些基本控制,仅限用于实验,智能性较差。 第四类捡球车为基于上位机结合场地摄像头采集图像的总体控制方案,但其控制方式仅适用于大规模网球场,而且系统控制方式复杂,成本较高,不易携带。到目前为止,国内还没有一种高效率、市场化的捡球车。有限的几种捡球车实用性不足,兼之价格昂贵,无法普及。52531



    Abstract Tennis as a kind of fashion sports has gradually into everyone's life, but in the process of play, the ball tend to consume a lot of our strength and energy, so the design of a practical tennis car to pick up the ball has very important significance.

    Through consulting relevant literature, the details of the car to pick up the ball for the tennis existing related research summary is as follows: first, there is a hand push type of machine to pick up the ball, such work requires people to push the car to pick up the ball to pick up the ball, no smart device. The second type for the electric control type ball mill, this kind of work needs to be done by one remote control to pick up the ball, no smart device. Third class to automatically control the car to pick up the ball, but this kind of work most every time can only pick up a ball, and there is no avoiding obstacle avoidance and so on some basic control, has been limited to experiment and less intelligent. Fourth class car to pick up the ball based on PC combined with overall control scheme of the space camera to collect images, but the control method is only applicable to large-scale tennis court, and system control method is complex, high cost, not easy to carry. So far, the domestic is not an efficient, marketization of the car to pick up the ball. Limited number of the car to pick up the ball is practical, is expensive, principals can't popularity.

    This design for the development of a new kind of hand push a car to pick up the ball, tennis by wheel to drive the machine structure is picked up the ball, simple structure, low cost, high efficiency to pick up the ball. The key technique in the works is the overall structural design.

    Keywords: Car pick up tennis; Hand push type; overall structure design; 3D model development

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1

    1.1 网球捡球车发展现状1

    1.2 三维软件辅助设计2

    1.3 设计分析3

    第二章 网球捡球车的工作原理4


    2.2 工作分析和前期计算5

    第三章 框架设计-8


    3.2 焊板与边板设计8

    第四章 链传动的设计-11







    第五章 轴的设计与校核21

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