



    Abstract This design is entitled adjustable steel roll cage welding system,This design is to change our country can only produce a single circular tube shape pattern,Can work according to the needs of the desired cross-sectional shape design,Optimize the use of function;Can be based on different requirements,Different geographical environment,Reasonable adjustments to the shape of the shaped tube,Can be a reasonable cross-section shape designed to enhance the carrying capacity of pipelines,The pipe is also able to show a variety of shapes gesture,Adjustable through the interface,The interface can increase the pipeline tightness,Prevent leakage,In addition to beautiful outside,Also save material resources,Increase pipeline capacity.

    The topic of the original steel roll cage welder redesigned,The rotating disc 48 jig a small system to become independent,Inpidual control of its movement at different distances,Each arrived at the designated location,Forming a profiled ring,Facilitate subsequent welding,This design also steel roll cage welder rotating disk drive system made a design optimization,Using chain drive,To reduce costs and achieve the interests of manufacturers.

    Keywords:Steel roll cage welder;Reducing system;Drive System;

     目  录

    第一章 绪 论-1

    1.1钢筋笼滚焊机介绍 1

    1.2关于目前钢筋笼形状及趋势的调查 1

    1.2.1国内外研究现状以及存在的问题 3

    1.2.2钢筋笼滚焊机的前景展望 4

    1.3选题的目的和意义 5

    1.4主要研究内容 5

    第二章 设计方案-6

    2.1设计任务分析 6

    2.1.1变径系统功能分析 6

    2.1.2变径系统工艺动作过程 6

    2.1.3电机的选择 6

    2.1.4丝杠螺母机构的选择 8

    2.1.5旋转盘上的夹具机构设计 10

    2.1.6旋转盘的固定设计 11

    2.2驱动系统的设计 12

    2.2.1驱动系统的功能分析 12

    2.2.2驱动系统的动作分析 12

    2.2.3驱动大电机的选择 12

    2.2.4旋转盘的传动设计 13

    第三章 详细设计计算-15

    3.1轴向载荷计算 15


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