



    Abstract Oil is in our lives indispensable one kinds resource, as China's petroleum industry's development and oil development the needs of, the latent the oil electric pump as an one kinds important mechanical oil extraction equipment been recognized. His the reliability and efficient Xing yes oilfield sustained high and stable yield's important guarantee. Submersible pump unit composition is more complex, poor working conditions, failure will cause vibration of the unit, while the unit vibration state to some extent, reflect the various components of the unit's real operating conditions. We can see from aircrew vibration signal extract useful feature information, the completion of pairs of fault diagnosis.

      Based on the submersible pump unit to study the vibration signal, to realize the fault feature extraction and classification capability characteristic parameters determined by the line. First, the use of time-domain waveform, wavelet decomposition method has gained vibration signal mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, probability density correlation function maximum, Fourier transform, the real cepstrum parameters derived submersible pump vibration acceleration characteristic parameter extraction method and analyzed parameters. Finally, according to the distance-based classification method for determining the ability of the extracted features for classification capability identification. Finally, we illustrate the features of the best..

    Keywords: electric submersible pump (ESP)、 fault diagnosis、 vibration signal、 characteristic parameter collect 


    第一章 绪论 10

    1.1概述 10

    1.2选题的背景及意义 11

    1.3 国内外研究状况及问题 12

    1.4故障研究方法 13

    1.5课题研究的主要内容 14

    第二章 振动信号的检测原理 15

    2.1压电传感器对三维振动信号的检测 15

    2.2石英压电式传感器简介 16

    第三章 建立潜油电泵偏磨的力学模型 18

    3.1潜油电泵的力学模型 18

    3.2潜油电泵偏磨震动的力学分析 19

    第四章 利用MATLAB对震动信号进行分析的原理 22

    4.1MATLAB简介 22


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